Verb Town activity
Verb Town activity
To make the concept of verbs more interesting and to promote hands-on-learning, an activity named, ‘Verb Town ’ was conducted on 18th October, 2022 for classes I & II. Students were asked to make verb chart from their textbook lessons and creatively present the new verbs they learned. They made beautiful charts to present the new Verbs they learned with much creativity and interest. The winners were awarded with certificates.
Class 1- A
1. Navya
2. Dayabir Singh
3. Aryan Divedi
Class 1- B
1-Vardaan Mahajan
2- Agrima Jain, Yashita
3- Kanveer Singh, Viraj Singh
Class 2- A
2.Varun Chawla, Tavleen Kaur
3.Divneet Kumar
Class 2- B
1. Lavanya, Arjun Yadav
2. Shivanoor Arora, Shivaansh Arora
3. Divyani Sharma, Vedansh Sharma