Rules and Regulations

General Rules

  1. In the school campus students have to converse only in English.
  2. The pupils are required to put is 90% of attendance. Leave of absence is granted only on prior written application from parents, except in case of unforeseen circumstance. Leave of absence for social functions outside Delhi State will not be granted.
  3. All are expected to reach the school at least 10 minutes before the time fixed for the morning school assembly. Students who reach the school after the second bell will not be granted attendance and if this continues for 3 she/he may be asked to return home.
  4. No one may leave the school premises during school hours without the Principal's permission. Pupil will not be sent home with anyone other than the parents.
  5. After school hours the students are not expected to go to their friend's home for any reason from school. They may do so only from their homes, with due permission of their parents.
  6. Students are responsible to the school, authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Shouting, whistling, speaking abusive language, running in the school building, insulting or throwing things at one another and disobeying in the school etc. are strictly forbidden.
  7. Every student should carry with him/her his/her school diary every day.
  8. The homework assigned to the pupils by the teacher should be done regularly and systematically. Guardians are requested to cooperate with the school authorities by checking up the homework of their wards in diary or the parents portal provided to them.
  9. Parent/Guardians shall no visit their wards or teacher directly during class hours.
  10. A student will not be sent home with any other person, unless he/she produces a authorization letter of the parents.
  11. Parent should not bring/send eatable, books, etc., to their ward, during school hours.
  12. Students will be provided with a healthy nutritious mid-day meal. Parents are requested not to send any commercial foods items for their ward.
  13. Students are expected to bring the following items to school every day.
    1. A clean handkerchief
    2. A clean napkin and apron
    3. Almanac
  14. Parents must keep one extra set of undergarments in the child's bag.

Admission Policy

  1. Admission and assignment to a particular section of the class are reserved entirely to the school authorities. Admissions are done on the basis of entrance examination. The merit of the student is the sole criterion of selection.
  2. The application for Admission/Registration form shall be accompanied by an authentic document containing the child's date of birth. We accept the date of birth certificate only from Corporation or Anchal Panchayat, Affidavit or hospital certificate will not be accepted. A student coming from an affiliated and recognized school should produce a T.C. with a clear mention of date of birth.
  3. The Principal reserves to herself the right to refuse admission to any student without furnishing any reason. The parent has to make a declaration that the statement of the date of birth of his ward is correct, that he fully understands that the school authorities will not entertain any application with a change in this statement under any circumstances. Date of birth and Name once registered will not be altered.

Tests and Examinations

  1. To assess the progress of each student in the various subjects and to facilitate an intense study of all the subjects we follow the Cycle/CCE pattern system mostly adopt the grading Method for evaluation. Students have regular assessments through oral and written tests.
  2. Special arrangements for examination/tests cannot be made for pupils who, for any reason, are absent for any of the test or examinations. Tests/Examinations will not be adjusted according to individual students.
  3. Only those pupils who have paid all school fees are permitted to appear for all examination Answer papers of the annual examinations will not, under any circumstance, be shown to the parents.
  4. Any student found resorting to unfair means and receiving/giving assistance in any form during Tests/Examination papers with marks/answer sheets or school certificates will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  5. Reports on general progress and results of the assessment, ???tests and Examinations are communicated to the parents by means of the Progress Reports. If any correction is to be made in the report card, it is to be brought to the attention of the Principal within 3 days of the receipt of Report Card.
  6. Parents are requested to take care of the Report Cards. Duplicate Copy of the Report Card will be issued only with a Fine of Rs.100/-.

Promotion Policy

A pupil who fails to attain the required percentage/grade in Language, Mathematics and Science will not be promoted. Promotion is granted On the basis of the marks/grades obtained in all the examinations and whole year's work of the pupil. Hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work is a must. The minimum pass marks in each subject will be 40 percent. Absence/leave in an examination / tests /assessment will be treated as having received no marks in it. Leave from examination, in no case will be permitted more than once. The decision of the school authorities with regard of promotion is final.

Fee Payment Rules

  1. When fees have not been paid for three or more months in succession the name of the student may be struck off from the rolls. The student may be readmitted with a fine of Rs.500/-and payment of all fee outstanding.
  2. Those who appear in Board Exam have to clear all dues by 30th January. In case the fee is delayed beyond 2 quarters the student's name shall be struck off from rolls and such students shall have to seek readmission.
  3. Outstation cheques/Post dated cheques will not be accepted Any
    1. Cheque dishonoured will treated under category of non- payment of the fee and a fine of Rs. 150/- per cheques and bounced charges of Rs.200/-in first time and repetition will be charged Rs.500/-.
    2. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
    3. Students will be permitted to sit for the examination only all the dues have been cleared and “No Due” Certificate has been obtained prior to the commencement of the examination.
  4. School fee is payable for three months at a time, in the following manner:
    1. April,May,June by April 15th
    2. July,Aug,Sep by July 15th
    3. Oct,Nov,Dec by October 15th
    4. Jan,Feb,March by January 15th
    Those who wish to pay for the whole year they can remit the fee yearly basis.

Rules for Students

  1. You are expected to be polite, courteous, and respectful and disciplined inside and outside the school.
  2. Take good care of your books, stationary, uniform and all personal belonging.
  3. Neatness and cleanliness is important.
  4. Be punctual and regular in work habits.
  5. Be responsible towards school property and others property.
  6. Communicate your day's experience positively with your family.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to through out of place and at anyone.
  8. Non-Sikh boys should have their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
  9. You must NOT bring any sharp instrument that could possibly harm anyone in the school.
  10. The school will not be responsible for loss of books, money and other valuables brought by you to school. However, Every effort will be made to recover the things lost, if reported to the Class Facilitator or the Principal immediately.

Warning/Appreciation Cards

  1. Yellow Card - For irregular attendance, untidiness, lack of responsibility, misbehavior, late coming etc.
  2. Pink Card - Pink card will be given for abusive language, Stealing, disobedience etc.
  3. Red Card - For insolence, malicious behavior, copying in the examination or test, Truancy etc. The Red card means suspension for one week.
  4. White Card - As an appreciation for exemplary conduct.

Timing To Meet

  1. Principal : On Tuesday and Fridays between 9.00 a.m to 10.00 (with prior appointment only) Teacher: P.T.M. days, otherwise with prior appointment through the Diary.
  2. School Timings : The school session starts in April and ends in March. Class hours: 7.30 a.m to 1.45 p.m(summer),8.00 a.m to 2.00 p.m (Winter)
  3. School Office Hours : The school office will remain opens on all working days from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 pm., but public dealings will be from 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. only. No school business will be transacted on holidays.

Library Rules (Facilities)

The school library is well equipped with books of interest for children of all classes. Every year, we update the library with latest books and journals. All students are encouraged to make full use of the library facilities available to improve their knowledge as well spend their spare time fruitfully.

  1. Students must maintain complete silence in the library.
  2. Reference books will be issued only during schools hours for use in the library only.
  3. Marking, underlining or annotating in the library book is strictly forbidden.
  4. Borrowers are required to examine the books at the time of borrowing and report to the librarian about the damage, loss of page or picture etc.
  5. Only one book will be issued to a pupil at a time. Books borrowed must be returned within one week. Books returned after the due date will be accepted with a fine of Rs.1/- per day. If book are not returned or fines not paid the pupil with not be allowed to sit for examinations. Students of Class X, XI and XII will pay fine at Rs. 5/- per day including holidays.
  6. Book lost, damaged or wrongly handled will have to be paid for or replace. The discretion of the principal in this matter shall be final and blinding.
  7. All library cards must be returned to the librarian before the final exams.
  8. Duplicate library card may be issued on payment of Rs. 10/- only.

Cultural & Educational Rights Of Minorities


  1. "Any section of the citizen residing in the territory of India or any part there of having a distinct language, script of culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same."
  2. "All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice."
  3. "The State shall not in granting aid to educational institutions discriminate against any educational institutions on the ground that it is under the management of a minority based on religion or language."

News Updates

Admission open for classes Nursery, IX & XI 2025-26

CBSE Board Exam Toppers 2023-24

Job Vacancy

Online Fee Payment Link

CBSE Helpline number for examination stress & counselling for class X & XII students

Cyber Security awareness for students, teachers and parents link

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