Python Game Development Activity Classes XI & XII

Python Game Development Activity was organized virtually at JMJ for classes XI & XII students on 18 May,2021 with the aim to empower students with programming skills in Python. Students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm and developed user interactive applications using Python programming language. All the participants presented their application through video show and were judged on the basis of their creativity, programming skills and presentation.

Result of the Activity

First - Tanishq Sethi (11-A) & Shivansh Rajdehl (12-A)

Second -Jiya (11-A) & Tanisha (12-A)

Third -Aditya Tiwari & Brahmi Rajdehl (11-A)

Third -Aditya Kumar & Mridula Kapoor (12-A)

The competition was successful conducted by Ms. Priyanka Oberoi.

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