Earth Day Celebration

On April 22, 2024 Jesus Mary Joseph Sr sec School held its annual Earth Day celebration to raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability. The event was organized by the school eco-club and involved the participation of all students from grades Nur-XII.

The day began with a special assembly where the principal sister Rev Thomasamma spoke about the importance of protecting our planet. She highlighted some of the key environmental challenges facing the world, such as climate change, pollution, and habitat loss. The students were encouraged to think of ways they could make a difference in their own lives and communities.

Activities which were conducted during the earth day occasion were:
- Tree plantation
- Eco-arts and crafts - Students made Poster making, book markings and slogan writings etc

- Guest teacher - spoke to the students about nature conservation.

The Earth Day celebration was a great success, engaging students in fun, educational activities that inspired them to be better stewards of the environment. Many students expressed a renewed commitment to reducing waste, conserving resources, and taking care of the planet. The eco-club hopes to build on this momentum and continue promoting environmental awareness and action throughout the school community.

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