Anti Tobacco Campaign


Anti Tobacco Committee of Jesus Mary Joseph Sr. Sec. School conducted Anti Tobacco Campaign on 8 May, 2024. Various activities were organized in the school premises.

Students participated very enthusiastically. It helped to make awareness among the students about the negative effects of tobacco in our body.


Winners of various activities

Class 8

Essay writing competition


1. Yuvraj Bhargava 8B

2. Shobhit Budhiraja 8B


Class 7

Poster making


1. Arnav Bisht 7A

1. Aarav Sharma 7A

2. Neerav Shokeen 7A

2. Emmanuel Varghese 7B

3. Soumya 7A

3. Harshit Singh 7B


Class 6

Slogan writing                     


1. Aarush Wahal 6A

2. Rudra Bhardwaj 6A

3. Eshita Gupta 6A

3. Aryan Gupta 6B


\'We need to burn calories daily, not tobacco\'

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