JMJ is what school should be a safe, positive environment where students are excited to learn and where each child is guided to reach his/her full potential.
Holistic Development involve well-rounded development of children through academics and extracurricular of international standards and at the same time providing them with a sense of connectivity to Indian culture and values.
An Engaging Educational Approach to encourage students to actively participate in their own education. They do it by setting personal goals and performing self evaluation.
"Continuity gives us roots, change gives us branches letting us stretch & grow and reach new heights." Pauline R. Keizer
Recommitting ourselves to the power of progression in tune with the times for sustainable prospect, is what we at JMJ believe in. As a dynamic and progressive educational institution, we are committed to provide collaborative, cooperative and supportive environment to foster innovation in inquisitive minds. Inculcating true knowledge through value-based education provided in this world class institution, edify our learners towards proliferation of multitudinous accomplishments. I strongly believe that the seeds of creativity sprout if we are exuberant and ebullient to undertake the challenges of life by believing in doing a little more each day you think you can. Our institution inculcates in our students an unwavering perseverance so as to shoulder the responsibilities of the growth of the Society, Nation and the World as a whole.
Being conscientious and ardent in our virtues remain the cynosure of the myriad activities of the school. Our excellence emulates not only in its prowess to provide adroit education but as an alma mater par excellence. Edification at JMJ will remains linchpin of the teaching learning finesse befitting continually dynamic world.
Sr. Thomasamma P.